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Capture attention

and user interaction

with creativity


{and a touch
  of blue light}

Did you know that as humans, we remember 80% of what we see but only 10-20% of what we read or hear?...

Wow. That's why it's so important to consider your visuals when it comes to presenting your business and brand message digitally.


Do you know if your customers instantly recognise your brand when they see it at presentations, or on online platforms? Do your customers trust your brand and align with it's values when they download your e-book, brochure or receive a newsletter from you?


Pie can help you to create positive emotions in your audience by making sure your story and brand style remains consistent across all digital platforms. Your customers will be more inclined to trust your brand and ultimately, good, consistent design encourages interaction and creates brand loyalty. 


Digital design

Let's show your customers that you understand what they care about and boost your digital presence by developing well crafted, brand consistent visuals that are not only informative and functional but above all, visually appealing.


Pie is available to create you designs for:


  • Online banner & display adverts
  • Social media 
  • Websites
  • E-books
  • Interactive brochures
  • Digital newsletters
  • Screen presentations
  • Email templates
Hand drawn arrow
Hand drawn iphone and ipad with yellow and blue scribbles
hand drwan squiggly line
"We have worked with Pie on a number of digital marketing projects now, ranging from logo & web branding design through to Social and email marketing and what always really impresses me is her ability to provide incredible designs that are completely unique, have a real stand out “wow” factor, and
are 100% on brief."

Kelly Logan | SME Marketeers | 2024

Hand drawn shopping bag with red scribble

More digital design by Pie

hand drawn arrow

e-commerce website design and social media graphics for natural plant based, self care products

After producing a logo re-design, Pie created graphic elements for the 'Mother Earth' e-commerce website and social media platforms to highlight the product benefits and establish the new brand colours.


The website design elements and specifics were supplied as a guide to their website developer who hen built and further developed the site.

Auto accessory e-commerce website design and build

The launch of Rimblades' new 'Original' alloy wheel rim protector product meant an e-commerce website design overhaul! In 2022 Pie designed and built this website working alongside back-end developers from Move Media. The project involved creating striking and persuasive banner graphics to highlight the key benefits and features of the product.

Social media, screen presentation, product visuals and e-book design for a creator of herbal formulas

Expert Herbalist launched with an e-commerce website in 2020 with the view to making natural medicine available to all. The website launch involved Pie who created product visuals, social media graphics, an on screen presentation and interactive e-book.

Website design, social media graphics, e-book and digital newsletter design

Hand drawn arrow

4U Pilates, an established brand with a wonderfully a bright and expansive colour palette looked to develop a coherent look online and across social media. Design by Pie created a style guide for that could be followed by the digital marketing managers and website developers. The new brand style has been rolled out to the website and the portfolio now includes e-books and online newsletters.

"Pie's solutions are very visual,
captivating, fresh, clean
and even better
than I had expected!"

Zoisa Holder | 2020

It's all about the visual appeal...

Designing graphics for digital platforms requires design skills and an understanding of digital design principles like knowledge of file formats and compression methods that can all affect the clarity and speed of your graphics loading. But designing and building a productive website requires a lot more...

Pie's designs are all about the visual appeal and when it comes to websites Pie works very much as a front end developer to create the eye catching graphic elements that you see on the screen. Pie collaborates with skilled back-end developers (who handle the behind-the-scenes aspects of a website) and digital marketing experts (who understand detail about the right copy and content required for great performance when being indexed by Google) which creates a 'virtual' team who can provide you with a functional website that is good for the eyes.


Pie can design (and build) you a unique and engaging website and once built, you can manage the website yourself. If you already work with a website developer and are looking for some fresh design ideas, Pie can create digital design graphic guidelines that you can share with your appointed team so that they can implement the designs and use as a guide moving forward.

If you are thinking of having a website design by Pie please download this handy editable document that asks the questions that will get you thinking and help to start the conversation.

Hand drawn squiggly line
Hand drawn gheart with sunburst
Hand drawn blinking eye
Hand drawn squiggly line
Hand drawn computer arrow with sunburst
Hand drawn shopping trolley
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